About the DEEP Centre

The Centre for Digital Entrepreneurship and Economic Performance (DEEP Centre) is a Canadian economic policy think-tank based in Waterloo, Ontario.

Founded in 2012 as a non-partisan research firm, the DEEP Centre provides objective research and advice on the changing drivers of success in the global economy and the critical interconnections between innovation, entrepreneurship and long-run economic performance.

We are partners in building fertile environments for launching, nurturing and scaling companies that will thrive in an increasingly connected world. Our mission is to help policymakers and business leaders identify and implement powerful new policies, programs and services to foster innovation, growth and employment in their jurisdictions.


About Anthony D. Williams

Anthony is the founder and president of the DEEP Centre and an internationally recognized authority on the digital revolution, innovation and creativity in business and society. He is co-author (with Don Tapscott) of the groundbreaking bestseller Wikinomics and its follow-up Macrowikinomics: New Solutions for a Connected Planet.

Anthony is a research director with the Blockchain Research Institute, an expert advisor to the Markle Foundation’s Initiative for America’s Economic Future, a senior fellow with the Lisbon Council in Brussels and the Institute on Governance in Ottawa, and chief advisor to Brazil’s Free Education Project, a national strategy to equip 2 million young Brazilians with the skills required for a 21st Century workforce.

Anthony was recently executive editor for the Global Solutions Network at the Martin Prosperity Institute, a committee member of the National Research Council’s Committee on Science for the EPA’s Future, a visiting fellow with the Munk School of Global Affairs at the University of Toronto and Program Chair for the 18th World Congress on Information Technology in Montreal. His work on technology and innovation has been featured in publications such as the Huffington Post, Harvard Business Review and the Globe and Mail.